# LibFeeRouter

Git Source

# Functions

# _calculatePremiumFees

function _calculatePremiumFees(bytes32 _policyId, uint256 _premiumPaid)
    returns (CalculatedFees memory cf);

# _payPremiumFees

The total bp for a policy premium fee schedule cannot exceed LibConstants.BP_FACTOR since the policy's additional fee receivers and fee schedule are each checked to be less than LibConstants.BP_FACTOR / 2 when they are being set.

function _payPremiumFees(bytes32 _policyId, uint256 _premiumPaid) internal;

# _calculateTradingFees

function _calculateTradingFees(bytes32 _buyerId, bytes32 _sellToken, bytes32 _buyToken, uint256 _buyAmount)
    returns (uint256 totalFees_, uint256 totalBP_);

# _payTradingFees

The total bp for a marketplace fee schedule cannot exceed LibConstants.BP_FACTOR since the maker BP and fee schedules are each checked to be less than LibConstants.BP_FACTOR / 2 when they are being set.

function _payTradingFees(
    uint256 _feeScheduleType,
    bytes32 _buyer,
    bytes32 _makerId,
    bytes32 _takerId,
    bytes32 _tokenId,
    uint256 _buyAmount
) internal returns (uint256 totalFees_);

# _replaceMakerBP

function _replaceMakerBP(uint16 tradingCommissionMakerBP) internal;

# _addFeeSchedule

function _addFeeSchedule(
    bytes32 _entityId,
    uint256 _feeScheduleType,
    bytes32[] calldata _receiver,
    uint16[] calldata _basisPoints
) internal;

# _getFeeSchedule

VERY IMPORTANT: always use this method to fetch the fee schedule because of fallback to default one!

function _getFeeSchedule(bytes32 _entityId, uint256 _feeScheduleType) internal view returns (FeeSchedule memory);

# _removeFeeSchedule

function _removeFeeSchedule(bytes32 _entityId, uint256 _feeScheduleType) internal;

# _getMakerBP

function _getMakerBP() internal view returns (uint16);

# Events

# FeePaid

event FeePaid(bytes32 indexed fromId, bytes32 indexed toId, bytes32 tokenId, uint256 amount, uint256 feeType);

# MakerBasisPointsUpdated

event MakerBasisPointsUpdated(uint16 tradingCommissionMakerBP);

# FeeScheduleAdded

event FeeScheduleAdded(bytes32 entityId, uint256 feeType, FeeSchedule feeSchedule);