# LibHelpers

Git Source

Pure functions

# Functions

# _getIdForObjectAtIndex

function _getIdForObjectAtIndex(uint256 _index) internal pure returns (bytes32);

# _getIdForAddress

function _getIdForAddress(address _addr) internal pure returns (bytes32);

# _getSenderId

function _getSenderId() internal view returns (bytes32);

# _checkBottom12BytesAreEmpty

function _checkBottom12BytesAreEmpty(bytes32 value) internal pure returns (bool);

# _checkUpper12BytesAreEmpty

function _checkUpper12BytesAreEmpty(bytes32 value) internal pure returns (bool);

# _getAddressFromId

function _getAddressFromId(bytes32 _id) internal pure returns (address);

# _isAddress

function _isAddress(bytes32 _id) internal pure returns (bool);

# _stringToBytes32

Converts a string to a bytes32 representation. No length check for the input string is performed in this function, as it is only used with predefined string constants from LibConstants related to role names, role group names, and special platform identifiers. These critical string constants are verified to be 32 bytes or less off-chain before being used, and can only be set by platform admins.

function _stringToBytes32(string memory strIn) internal pure returns (bytes32);


Name Type Description
strIn string The input string to be converted


Name Type Description
<none> bytes32 The bytes32 representation of the input string

# _bytesToBytes32

function _bytesToBytes32(bytes memory source) internal pure returns (bytes32 result);

# _bytes32ToBytes

function _bytes32ToBytes(bytes32 input) internal pure returns (bytes memory);