# LibTokenizedVault

Git Source

# Functions

# _internalBalanceOf

function _internalBalanceOf(bytes32 _ownerId, bytes32 _tokenId) internal view returns (uint256);

# _internalTokenSupply

function _internalTokenSupply(bytes32 _objectId) internal view returns (uint256);

# _internalTransfer

function _internalTransfer(bytes32 _from, bytes32 _to, bytes32 _tokenId, uint256 _amount)
    returns (bool success);

# _internalMint

function _internalMint(bytes32 _to, bytes32 _tokenId, uint256 _amount) internal;

# _normalizeDividends

function _normalizeDividends(bytes32 _from, bytes32 _to, bytes32 _tokenId, uint256 _amount, bool _updateTotals)

# _internalBurn

function _internalBurn(bytes32 _from, bytes32 _tokenId, uint256 _amount) internal;

# _withdrawDividend

function _withdrawDividend(bytes32 _ownerId, bytes32 _tokenId, bytes32 _dividendTokenId) internal;

# _getWithdrawableDividend

function _getWithdrawableDividend(bytes32 _ownerId, bytes32 _tokenId, bytes32 _dividendTokenId)
    returns (uint256 withdrawableDividend_);

# _withdrawAllDividends

function _withdrawAllDividends(bytes32 _ownerId, bytes32 _tokenId) internal;

# _payDividend

function _payDividend(bytes32 _guid, bytes32 _from, bytes32 _to, bytes32 _dividendTokenId, uint256 _amount) internal;

# _getWithdrawableDividendAndDeductionMath

function _getWithdrawableDividendAndDeductionMath(
    uint256 _amount,
    uint256 _supply,
    uint256 _totalDividend,
    uint256 _withdrawnSoFar
) internal pure returns (uint256 _withdrawableDividend);

# _getLockedBalance

function _getLockedBalance(bytes32 _accountId, bytes32 _tokenId) internal view returns (uint256 amount);

# _totalDividends

function _totalDividends(bytes32 _tokenId, bytes32 _dividendDenominationId) internal view returns (uint256);

# Events

# InternalTokenBalanceUpdate

Emitted when a token balance gets updated.

event InternalTokenBalanceUpdate(
    bytes32 indexed ownerId, bytes32 tokenId, uint256 newAmountOwned, string functionName, address indexed msgSender


Name Type Description
ownerId bytes32 Id of owner
tokenId bytes32 ID of token
newAmountOwned uint256 new amount owned
functionName string Function name
msgSender address msg.sender

# InternalTokenSupplyUpdate

Emitted when a token supply gets updated.

event InternalTokenSupplyUpdate(
    bytes32 indexed tokenId, uint256 newTokenSupply, string functionName, address indexed msgSender


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 ID of token
newTokenSupply uint256 New token supply
functionName string Function name
msgSender address msg.sender

# DividendDistribution

Emitted when a dividend gets paid out.

event DividendDistribution(bytes32 indexed guid, bytes32 from, bytes32 to, bytes32 dividendTokenId, uint256 amount);


Name Type Description
guid bytes32 dividend distribution ID
from bytes32 distribution initiator
to bytes32 distribution receiver
dividendTokenId bytes32
amount uint256 distributed amount

# DividendWithdrawn

Emitted when a dividend gets paid out.

event DividendWithdrawn(
    bytes32 indexed accountId,
    bytes32 tokenId,
    uint256 amountOwned,
    bytes32 dividendTokenId,
    uint256 dividendAmountWithdrawn


Name Type Description
accountId bytes32 ID of the account withdrawing the dividend
tokenId bytes32 ID of the participation token that is paying out the dividends to holders
amountOwned uint256 owned amount of the participation tokens
dividendTokenId bytes32 ID of the dividend denomination token
dividendAmountWithdrawn uint256 amount withdrawn