# Deployer

# Nayms Deployer

This document describes how to use the deployer script to make use of the SmartDeploy more easily.

Basically what deployer does is, it automates the interaction with the SmartDeploy script for some of the most common use cases.

# Basics

Before starting, make sure you have the nayms_mnemonic.txt in the root of the project.

Invoke the deployer script from the project root providing arguments and flags, as shown below:

cli-tools/deployer.js [operation] [networkID] [flags]

Supported operations are:

  • deploy - deploy a new diamond
  • upgrade - upgrade an existing diamond

Supported flags are:

  • --fork - tells the deployer you are working against a forked node
  • --dry-run - tells the deployer just to print out the commands it would execute without actually executing them

Make sure to have environment variables defined for JSON RPC endpoints in this format $ETH_<networkID>_RPC_URL

# Examples

Here is a couple of examples of some things you might want to do.

# Mainnet fork upgrade

Let's say you want to try and do an upgrade on mainnet fork, here's how it's done.

First off, you need to fork mainnet locally, this can be done with provided makefile target:

make anvil-fork-mainnet

Leave this shell active, and in another shell window run:

cli-tools/deployer.js upgrade 1 --fork --dry-run

This will give you a preview of the commands that it would actually execute, should you omit the --dry-run flag. Bear in mind for this to work you will need to have $ETH_1_RPC_URL environment variable defined.

There is also an anvil-fork-sepolia makefile target available for convenience.

# Sepolia upgrade

On sepolia we might want to upgrade current deployment (no need to fork):

cli-tools/deployer.js upgrade 11155111 --dry-run

For this to work you will need to have $ETH_11155111_RPC_URL environment variable defined.

# Full deploy on local node

You want a fresh new deployment of the diamond on your local node. Assumption is we use foundry anvil.

cli-tools/deployer.js deploy 31337

For this to work you will need to have $ETH_31337_RPC_URL environment variable defined as http:\\