# ISimplePolicyFacet

Facet for working with Simple Policies

# Functions

# getSigningHash

No description Generate a simple policy hash for singing by the stakeholders

  function getSigningHash(
    uint256 _startDate,
    uint256 _maturationDate,
    bytes32 _asset,
    uint256 _limit,
    bytes32 _offchainDataHash
  ) external returns (bytes32 signingHash_)

# Arguments:

| Argument | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | |_startDate | uint256 | Date when policy becomes active |_maturationDate | uint256 | Date after which policy becomes matured |_asset | bytes32 | ID of the underlying asset, used as collateral and to pay out claims |_limit | uint256 | Policy coverage limit |_offchainDataHash | bytes32 | Hash of all the important policy data stored offchain |

# Returns:

| Type | Description | | --- | --- | |signingHash_ | hash for signing|

# paySimplePremium

No description Pay a premium of _amount on simple policy

  function paySimplePremium(
    bytes32 _policyId,
    uint256 _amount
  ) external

# Arguments:

| Argument | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | |_policyId | bytes32 | Id of the simple policy |_amount | uint256 | Amount of the premium|

# paySimpleClaim

No description Pay a claim of _amount for simple policy

  function paySimpleClaim(
    bytes32 _claimId,
    bytes32 _policyId,
    bytes32 _insuredId,
    uint256 _amount
  ) external

# Arguments:

| Argument | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | |_claimId | bytes32 | Id of the simple policy claim |_policyId | bytes32 | Id of the simple policy |_insuredId | bytes32 | Id of the insured party |_amount | uint256 | Amount of the claim|

# getSimplePolicyInfo

No description Get simple policy info

  function getSimplePolicyInfo(
    bytes32 _id
  ) external returns (struct SimplePolicyInfo)

# Arguments:

| Argument | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | |_id | bytes32 | Id of the simple policy |

# Returns:

| Type | Description | | --- | --- | |Simple | policy metadata|

# getPolicyCommissionReceivers

No description Get the list of commission receivers

  function getPolicyCommissionReceivers(
    bytes32 _id
  ) external returns (bytes32[] commissionReceivers)

# Arguments:

| Argument | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | |_id | bytes32 | Id of the simple policy |

# checkAndUpdateSimplePolicyState

No description Check and update simple policy state

  function checkAndUpdateSimplePolicyState(
    bytes32 _id
  ) external

# Arguments:

| Argument | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | |_id | bytes32 | Id of the simple policy|

# cancelSimplePolicy

No description Cancel a simple policy

  function cancelSimplePolicy(
    bytes32 _policyId
  ) external

# Arguments:

| Argument | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | |_policyId | bytes32 | Id of the simple policy|

# calculatePremiumFees

No description Calculate the policy premium fees based on a buy amount.

  function calculatePremiumFees(
    bytes32 _premiumPaid
  ) external returns (struct CalculatedFees cf)

# Arguments:

| Argument | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | |_premiumPaid | bytes32 | The amount that the fees payments are calculated from. |

# Returns:

| Type | Description | | --- | --- | |cf | CalculatedFees struct|