# ISystemFacet

Use it to perform system level operations

# Functions

# createEntity

Create an entity An entity can be created with a zero max capacity! This is in the event where an entity cannot write any policies.

  function createEntity(
    bytes32 _entityId,
    bytes32 _entityAdmin,
    struct Entity _entityData,
    bytes32 _dataHash
  ) external

# Arguments:

| Argument | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | |_entityId | bytes32 | Unique ID for the entity |_entityAdmin | bytes32 | Unique ID of the entity administrator |_entityData | struct Entity | remaining entity metadata |_dataHash | bytes32 | hash of the offchain data|

# stringToBytes32

Convert a string type to a bytes32 type

  function stringToBytes32(
    string _strIn
  ) external returns (bytes32 result)

# Arguments:

| Argument | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | |_strIn | string | a string|

# isObject

No description Get whether given id is an object in the system.

  function isObject(
    bytes32 _id
  ) external returns (bool)

# Arguments:

| Argument | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | |_id | bytes32 | object id. |

# Returns:

| Type | Description | | --- | --- | |true | if it is an object, false otherwise|

# getObjectMeta

No description Get meta of given object.

  function getObjectMeta(
    bytes32 _id
  ) external returns (bytes32 parent, bytes32 dataHash, string tokenSymbol, string tokenName, address tokenWrapper)

# Arguments:

| Argument | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | |_id | bytes32 | object id. |

# Returns:

| Type | Description | | --- | --- | |parent | object parent |dataHash | object data hash |tokenSymbol | object token symbol |tokenName | object token name |tokenWrapper | object token ERC20 wrapper address|

# wrapToken

Wrap an object token as ERC20

  function wrapToken(
    bytes32 _objectId
  ) external

# Arguments:

| Argument | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | |_objectId | bytes32 | ID of the tokenized object|