# GovernanceFacet

Git Source

Inherits: Modifiers

# Functions

# isDiamondInitialized

Check if the diamond has been initialized.

This will get the value from AppStorage.diamondInitialized.

function isDiamondInitialized() external view returns (bool);

# calculateUpgradeId

Calcuate upgrade hash: id

calucate the upgrade hash by hashing all the inputs

function calculateUpgradeId(IDiamondCut.FacetCut[] calldata _diamondCut, address _init, bytes calldata _calldata)
    returns (bytes32);


Name Type Description
_diamondCut IDiamondCut.FacetCut[] the array of FacetCut struct, IDiamondCut.FacetCut[] to be used for upgrade
_init address address of the init diamond to be used for upgrade
_calldata bytes bytes to be passed as call data for upgrade

# createUpgrade

Approve the following upgrade hash: id

The diamondCut() has been modified to check if the upgrade has been scheduled. This method needs to be called in order for an upgrade to be executed.

function createUpgrade(bytes32 id) external assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);


Name Type Description
id bytes32 This is the keccak256(abi.encode(cut)), where cut is the array of FacetCut struct, IDiamondCut.FacetCut[].

# updateUpgradeExpiration

Update the diamond cut upgrade expiration period.

When createUpgrade() is called, it allows a diamondCut() upgrade to be executed. This upgrade must be executed before the upgrade expires. The upgrade expires based on when the upgrade was scheduled (when createUpgrade() was called) + AppStorage.upgradeExpiration.

function updateUpgradeExpiration(uint256 duration)
    assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);


Name Type Description
duration uint256 The duration until the upgrade expires.

# cancelUpgrade

Cancel the following upgrade hash: id

This will set the mapping AppStorage.upgradeScheduled back to 0.

function cancelUpgrade(bytes32 id) external assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);


Name Type Description
id bytes32 This is the keccak256(abi.encode(cut)), where cut is the array of FacetCut struct, IDiamondCut.FacetCut[].

# getUpgrade

Get the expiry date for provided upgrade hash.

This will get the value from AppStorage.upgradeScheduled mapping.

function getUpgrade(bytes32 id) external view returns (uint256 expiry);


Name Type Description
id bytes32 This is the keccak256(abi.encode(cut)), where cut is the array of FacetCut struct, IDiamondCut.FacetCut[].

# getUpgradeExpiration

Get the upgrade expiration period.

This will get the value from AppStorage.upgradeExpiration. AppStorage.upgradeExpiration is added to the block.timestamp to create the upgrade expiration date.

function getUpgradeExpiration() external view returns (uint256 upgradeExpiration);

# Events

# CreateUpgrade

event CreateUpgrade(bytes32 id, address indexed who);

# UpdateUpgradeExpiration

event UpdateUpgradeExpiration(uint256 duration);

# UpgradeCancelled

event UpgradeCancelled(bytes32 id, address indexed who);