# TokenizedVaultFacet

Git Source

Inherits: Modifiers, ReentrancyGuard

Vault for keeping track of platform tokens

Used for internal platform token transfers

Adaptation of ERC-1155 that uses AppStorage and aligns with Nayms ACL implementation. https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/tree/master/contracts/token/ERC1155

# Functions

# internalBalanceOf

Gets balance of an account within platform

Internal balance for given account

function internalBalanceOf(bytes32 ownerId, bytes32 tokenId) external view returns (uint256);


Name Type Description
ownerId bytes32 Internal ID of the account
tokenId bytes32 Internal ID of the asset


Name Type Description
<none> uint256 current balance

# internalTokenSupply

Current supply for the asset

Total supply of platform asset

function internalTokenSupply(bytes32 tokenId) external view returns (uint256);


Name Type Description
tokenId bytes32 Internal ID of the asset


Name Type Description
<none> uint256 total supply

# internalTransferFromEntity

Internal transfer of amount tokens from the entity associated with the sender

Transfer tokens internally

function internalTransferFromEntity(bytes32 to, bytes32 tokenId, uint256 amount)


Name Type Description
to bytes32 token receiver
tokenId bytes32 Internal ID of the token
amount uint256 being transferred

# wrapperInternalTransferFrom

Internal transfer of amount tokens from -> to

Transfer tokens internally between two IDs

function wrapperInternalTransferFrom(bytes32 from, bytes32 to, bytes32 tokenId, uint256 amount)


Name Type Description
from bytes32 token sender
to bytes32 token receiver
tokenId bytes32 Internal ID of the token
amount uint256 being transferred

# internalBurn

function internalBurn(bytes32 from, bytes32 tokenId, uint256 amount)
    assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);


Name Type Description
from bytes32 @notice Internal burn of amount of tokenId tokens of from userId
tokenId bytes32 tokenID to be burned internally
amount uint256 to be burned

# getWithdrawableDividend

Get withdrawable dividend amount

Dividend available for an entity to withdraw

function getWithdrawableDividend(bytes32 ownerId, bytes32 tokenId, bytes32 dividendTokenId)
    returns (uint256);


Name Type Description
ownerId bytes32 Unique ID of the entity
tokenId bytes32 Unique ID of token
dividendTokenId bytes32 Unique ID of dividend token


Name Type Description
<none> uint256 _entityPayout accumulated dividend

# withdrawDividend

Withdraw available dividend

Transfer dividends to the entity

function withdrawDividend(bytes32 ownerId, bytes32 tokenId, bytes32 dividendTokenId) external notLocked(msg.sig);


Name Type Description
ownerId bytes32 Unique ID of the dividend receiver
tokenId bytes32 Unique ID of token
dividendTokenId bytes32 Unique ID of dividend token

# withdrawAllDividends

Withdraws a user's available dividends.

Dividends can be available in more than one dividend denomination. This method will withdraw all available dividends in the different dividend denominations.

function withdrawAllDividends(bytes32 ownerId, bytes32 tokenId) external notLocked(msg.sig);


Name Type Description
ownerId bytes32 Unique ID of the dividend receiver
tokenId bytes32 Unique ID of token

# payDividendFromEntity

Pay amount of dividends

Transfer dividends to the entity

function payDividendFromEntity(bytes32 guid, uint256 amount)
    assertPrivilege(LibObject._getParentFromAddress(msg.sender), LC.GROUP_PAY_DIVIDEND_FROM_ENTITY);


Name Type Description
guid bytes32 Globally unique identifier of a dividend distribution.
amount uint256 the amount of the dividend token to be distributed to NAYMS token holders.

# getLockedBalance

Get the amount of tokens that an entity has for sale in the marketplace.

function getLockedBalance(bytes32 _entityId, bytes32 _tokenId) external view returns (uint256 amount);


Name Type Description
_entityId bytes32 Unique platform ID of the entity.
_tokenId bytes32 The ID assigned to an external token.


Name Type Description
amount uint256 of tokens that the entity has for sale in the marketplace.

# internalTransferBySystemAdmin

A system admin can transfer funds from an entity to another entity.

function internalTransferBySystemAdmin(bytes32 _fromEntityId, bytes32 _toEntityId, bytes32 _tokenId, uint256 _amount)
    assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);


Name Type Description
_fromEntityId bytes32 Unique platform ID of the entity. Caller must be an entity admin of this entity.
_toEntityId bytes32 The entity to transfer funds to.
_tokenId bytes32 The ID assigned to an external token.
_amount uint256 The amount of internal tokens to transfer.

# totalDividends

Get the total amount of dividends paid to a cell.

function totalDividends(bytes32 _tokenId, bytes32 _dividendDenominationId) external view returns (uint256);


Name Type Description
_tokenId bytes32 The entity ID of the cell. In otherwords, the participation token ID.
_dividendDenominationId bytes32 The ID of the dividend token that the dividends were paid in.