# ACLFacet

Git Source

Inherits: Modifiers

Use it to authorize various actions on the contracts

Use it to (un)assign or check role membership

# Functions

# assignRole

Assign a _roleId to the object in given context

Any object ID can be a context, system is a special context with highest priority

function assignRole(bytes32 _objectId, bytes32 _contextId, string memory _role) external;


Name Type Description
_objectId bytes32 ID of an object that is being assigned a role
_contextId bytes32 ID of the context in which a role is being assigned
_role string Name of the role being assigned

# unassignRole

Unassign object from a role in given context

First, assigner attempts to unassign the role.

Second, assign the role.

Any object ID can be a context, system is a special context with highest priority

function unassignRole(bytes32 _objectId, bytes32 _contextId) external;


Name Type Description
_objectId bytes32 ID of an object that is being unassigned from a role
_contextId bytes32 ID of the context in which a role membership is being revoked

# isInGroup

Checks if an object belongs to _group group in given context

Assigning a role to the object makes it a member of a corresponding role group

function isInGroup(bytes32 _objectId, bytes32 _contextId, string memory _group) external view returns (bool);


Name Type Description
_objectId bytes32 ID of an object that is being checked for role group membership
_contextId bytes32 Context in which membership should be checked
_group string name of the role group


Name Type Description
<none> bool true if object with given ID is a member, false otherwise

# isParentInGroup

Check whether a parent object belongs to the _group group in given context

Objects can have a parent object, i.e. entity is a parent of a user

function isParentInGroup(bytes32 _objectId, bytes32 _contextId, string memory _group) external view returns (bool);


Name Type Description
_objectId bytes32 ID of an object whose parent is being checked for role group membership
_contextId bytes32 Context in which the role group membership is being checked
_group string name of the role group


Name Type Description
<none> bool true if object's parent is a member of this role group, false otherwise

# canAssign

Check whether a user can assign specific object to the _role role in given context

Check permission to assign to a role

function canAssign(bytes32 _assignerId, bytes32 _objectId, bytes32 _contextId, string memory _role)
    returns (bool);


Name Type Description
_assignerId bytes32 The object ID of the user who is assigning a role to another object.
_objectId bytes32 ID of an object that is being checked for assigning rights
_contextId bytes32 ID of the context in which permission is checked
_role string name of the role to check


Name Type Description
<none> bool true if user has the right to assign, false otherwise

# hasGroupPrivilege

Check whether a user can call a specific function.

function hasGroupPrivilege(bytes32 _userId, bytes32 _contextId, bytes32 _groupId) external view returns (bool);


Name Type Description
_userId bytes32 The object ID of the user who is calling the function.
_contextId bytes32 ID of the context in which permission is checked.
_groupId bytes32 ID of the group in which permission is checked.

# getRoleInContext

Get a user's (an objectId's) assigned role in a specific context

function getRoleInContext(bytes32 objectId, bytes32 contextId) external view returns (bytes32);


Name Type Description
objectId bytes32 ID of an object that is being checked for its assigned role in a specific context
contextId bytes32 ID of the context in which the objectId's role is being checked


Name Type Description
<none> bytes32 roleId objectId's role in the contextId

# isRoleInGroup

Get whether role is in group.

Get whether role is in group.

function isRoleInGroup(string memory role, string memory group) external view returns (bool);


Name Type Description
role string the role.
group string the group.


Name Type Description
<none> bool true if role is in group, false otherwise.

# canGroupAssignRole

Get whether given group can assign given role.

Get whether given group can assign given role.

function canGroupAssignRole(string memory role, string memory group) external view returns (bool);


Name Type Description
role string the role.
group string the group.


Name Type Description
<none> bool true if role can be assigned by group, false otherwise.

# updateRoleAssigner

Update who can assign _role role

Update who has permission to assign this role

function updateRoleAssigner(string memory _role, string memory _assignerGroup)
    assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);


Name Type Description
_role string name of the role
_assignerGroup string Group who can assign members to this role

# updateRoleGroup

Update role group membership for _role role and _group group

Update role group membership

function updateRoleGroup(string memory _role, string memory _group, bool _roleInGroup)
    assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);


Name Type Description
_role string name of the role
_group string name of the group
_roleInGroup bool is member of