# AdminFacet

Git Source

Inherits: Modifiers

Exposes methods that require administrative privileges

Use it to configure various core parameters

# Functions

# setMaxDividendDenominations

Set _newMax as the max dividend denominations value.

function setMaxDividendDenominations(uint8 _newMax)
    assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);


Name Type Description
_newMax uint8 new value to be used.

# getMaxDividendDenominations

Get the max dividend denominations value

function getMaxDividendDenominations() external view returns (uint8);


Name Type Description
<none> uint8 max dividend denominations

# isSupportedExternalToken

Is the specified tokenId an external ERC20 that is supported by the Nayms platform?

function isSupportedExternalToken(bytes32 _tokenId) external view returns (bool);


Name Type Description
_tokenId bytes32 token address converted to bytes32


Name Type Description
<none> bool whether token is supported or not

# addSupportedExternalToken

Add another token to the supported tokens list

function addSupportedExternalToken(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _minimumSell)
    assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);


Name Type Description
_tokenAddress address address of the token to support
_minimumSell uint256 minimum amount of tokens that can be sold on the marketplace

# getSupportedExternalTokens

Get the supported tokens list as an array

function getSupportedExternalTokens() external view returns (address[] memory);


Name Type Description
<none> address[] array containing address of all supported tokens

# getSystemId

Gets the System context ID.

function getSystemId() external pure returns (bytes32);


Name Type Description
<none> bytes32 System Identifier

# isObjectTokenizable

Check if object can be tokenized

function isObjectTokenizable(bytes32 _objectId) external view returns (bool);


Name Type Description
_objectId bytes32 ID of the object

# lockFunction

System Admin can lock a function

This toggles FunctionLockedStorage.lock to true

function lockFunction(bytes4 functionSelector)
    assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);


Name Type Description
functionSelector bytes4 the bytes4 function selector

# unlockFunction

System Admin can unlock a function

This toggles FunctionLockedStorage.lock to false

function unlockFunction(bytes4 functionSelector)
    assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);


Name Type Description
functionSelector bytes4 the bytes4 function selector

# isFunctionLocked

Check if a function has been locked by a system admin

This views FunctionLockedStorage.lock

function isFunctionLocked(bytes4 functionSelector) external view returns (bool);


Name Type Description
functionSelector bytes4 the bytes4 function selector

# lockAllFundTransferFunctions

Lock all contract methods involving fund transfers

function lockAllFundTransferFunctions() external assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);

# unlockAllFundTransferFunctions

Unlock all contract methods involving fund transfers

function unlockAllFundTransferFunctions() external assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);

# replaceMakerBP

Update market maker fee basis points

function replaceMakerBP(uint16 _newMakerBP) external assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);


Name Type Description
_newMakerBP uint16 new maker fee value

# addFeeSchedule

Add or update an existing fee schedule

function addFeeSchedule(
    bytes32 _entityId,
    uint256 _feeScheduleType,
    bytes32[] calldata _receiver,
    uint16[] calldata _basisPoints
) external assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);


Name Type Description
_entityId bytes32 object ID for which the fee schedule is being set, use system ID for global fee schedule
_feeScheduleType uint256 fee schedule type (premiums, trading, inital sale)
_receiver bytes32[] array of fee recipient IDs
_basisPoints uint16[] array of basis points for each of the fee receivers

# removeFeeSchedule

remove a fee schedule

function removeFeeSchedule(bytes32 _entityId, uint256 _feeScheduleType)
    assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS);


Name Type Description
_entityId bytes32 object ID for which the fee schedule is being removed
_feeScheduleType uint256 type of fee schedule

# approveSelfOnboarding

Approve a user address for self-onboarding

function approveSelfOnboarding(address _userAddress, bytes32 _entityId, string calldata _role)
    assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_ONBOARDING_APPROVERS);


Name Type Description
_userAddress address user account address
_entityId bytes32
_role string

# onboard

Create a token holder entity for a user account

function onboard() external;

# isSelfOnboardingApproved

function isSelfOnboardingApproved(address _userAddress, bytes32 _entityId) external view returns (bool);

# cancelSelfOnboarding

function cancelSelfOnboarding(address _user)
    assertPrivilege(LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LC.GROUP_SYSTEM_MANAGERS);